Home Blog Blog Post in 2020 – Step by Step Guide – Miklagárd Copenhagen

Blog Post in 2020 – Step by Step Guide – Miklagárd Copenhagen

Blog post writing is like the cornerstone of growing any online business. You’re probably already aware of this, but you don’t know how to start. This blog will show you a step-by-step guide to writing amazing blogs every single time.

Keep in mind that writing a blog always starts with planning, a step that is overlooked by many new bloggers. Even if you’re a fast and sharp writer, to create a successful blog will take time. 

Follow these steps for any website whether your a cooperate e-commerce store focused on b2b and b2c sales or a personal blog.

Step 1# – Choose your “H1” Title.

Before you start typing, you should always have your heading in place. Its all about selecting the right title for your blog. Commonly, people will only skim through headlines and only reading the ones that capture their attention. Probably 9 /10 people will only scan your title without reading your blog post. It that sense it doesn’t matter how good your blog post is if it doesn’t have a catchy title, no one will read it.

There are different approaches to writing amazing headlines. You should try different ones out and see the ones that suit you and your audience. Having the title in place will make it easier for you to structure and outline your blog in the next steps.

If you conduct a quick search, you will find some common patterns in headlines that you can almost categorize them:

  • How-to Posts
  • List-Based Posts (5 Things…, or 7 Hacks…, etc.)
  • Question-Based Post (They tend to start with Can, would and what)

While the internet has many examples like these; you should choose the ones that resonate with your audience. If your clients are searching for how-to blogs, then that’s what you should offer them.

When thinking of your headline, consider what your audience is looking for, and how they expect to find it. Try to get inspiration by reading other headlines within your same field, or maybe a completely different one. No matter what you select, avoid bad-practices like “click-bait” where your blog doesn’t align with your heading at all. It will most likely drive traffic away from your site and increase the bounce rate.

Step 2# Hooking the Reader

So, now that you have settled on a catchy headline for your blog and is ready to begin writing. Imagine a user read your heading and clicked-through to your blog. The first thing they would see under your title is your “Introduction.” Most people might tell you that here is where you give an overview of your post, show an outline of what the reader should expect. While those are true and relevant, your focus should be on creating a “hook.”

The hook will compel the reader to continue scrolling down. It could be the highlight of your blog, making them feel they will miss out if they skipped reading it. Many people have fantastic writing skills but struggle with the introduction. A widely practised method is leaving it for last. Once you’ve written the bulk of your post, it will easier the highlight its most important element.

Always remember to give the reader a quick break-down of your post; that way, it will be easier to follow through and know what to expect.

Step 3# Use “H2” Headings

If you are used to writing the body of the post before the introduction. Step 3# is where you want to start. Yes, using H2 headings is arguably the most critical factor in creating a readable blog.

When you are searching for solutions online, you will usually skim through endless pages until finding what you are searching for. If your blog post cannot be scanned through no one is likely to read it. Who wants to go through a big chunk of similar text that seems endless.

H2 sub-headings are perfect for creating clear sections that outline a solid structure for your post. Plus, the reader will find it easy to read and is more likely to scroll to the bottom of the page.

Step 4# Link Building

Remember, while writing the body, it is a great idea to integrate links. This is an opportunity to increase internal links, so linking to other pages within your domain. You probably have another blog that talks about another aspect that you can link.

Internal-links isn’t the only thing you should do here. To build credibility and professionalism, you need to link to other websites as well. Linking to another site will increase your chance of getting a link-back as well.

If you want to know more about backlinks and how they affect your traffic volume click here.

Step 5# Conclusion

So, you’ve made it the final step, your title is in place, your introduction has a pretty good hook, and your reader has skimmed through your sections with ease, and reached the bottom of the page.

Here is where you send your reader on to the next move. It could be your trying to convert them into customers, where they purchase a product. Or your writing for a charitable cause and want your reader to vote in an online poll. Remind them of what they have read in your post and why it’s essential.

Its usually also good to end with a question. It makes it easier for the reader to leave a comment. Comments are excellent since they create engagement. A blog post without engagement isn’t going to get as much traffic.


Remember, blogging is all about laying the groundwork, doing the research, and having a durable approach. 

Follow this 5-step guide the next time you are writing a blog, and share your comments below:

  1. Choose your “H1” Title
  2. Hooking the Reader
  3. Use “H2” Sub-Headings
  4. Link Building
  5. Conclusion

If you are trying to grow your online presence and still need experienced help, you can always reach out here.

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